7 min read


Reference materials for students of my classes at the University of Zurich and Europa Institute

You might be interested in Career Advice more broadly. Or perhaps specific advice about how to Communicate Well? Otherwise, I can recommend Stoic Wisdom to every student of life.

The Best Lawyers Are More Plumbers Than Professors
The lawyers who go on to great service realize that learning more theory is not the hard part. The hard part is solving problems in the real world

LL.M Students

US Federal System - Skills Test
Test your skills on the US Federal legal system!
Drafting Contracts - Skills Test
Test your skills on Common Law contracting!
Drafting Contracts - One-Pager
Plain English terms and conditions of sale
What the Government Can Teach Us About Writing Well
Writing in plain language is a pleasure
What Lawyers Can Teach Us About Writing Well
Writing in plain language is a pleasure
How to Write an Amazing Email
Simple tips to improve email effectiveness
This Simple Editing Checklist May Save Your Story
Writing well is hard. Editing well is easy
This Advanced Editing Checklist Brings You to the Next Level
Writing well is hard. Editing well is easy
US Tax & Administrative Law
Questions for discussion by students in the CAS Legal English course

CAS In-House Counsel Students

Career Path: Why It’s So Hard Being a Good In-house Lawyer
ACC Docket Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau offers helpful skills and behaviors that can take you far in the Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel series. #ACCDocket #MindfulMonday #MondayMotivation
Career Path: The Day You Became Smarter
Five tips from ACC Docket Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau in his series, Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel. #ACCDocket #MindfulMonday #MondayMotivation #meetings
Career Path: Write Better Emails Today
Writing succinct emails is a critical in-house skill, says James Bellerjeau, ACC Docket Career Path columnist, in this Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel series. #ACCDocket #communication #writing #editing #email #MondayMotivation #MindfulMonday
Career Path: Maybe Don’t Go to that Meeting
Make every meeting worthwhile. Learn how with tips from ACC Docket Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau in the series, Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel. #ACCDocket #MindfulMonday #MondayMotivation #meetings
Career Path: Persuade Like Aristotle
No matter how strong your presentation skills, you can always get better. ACC Docket Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau offers some updates to Aristotle’s 2,000-year-old tips in this Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel series. #ACCDocket #career #persuasion #MindfulMonday #MondayMotiv…
Career Path: Listen Up Already!
Active listening is much more than acting like you’re listening. Improve with tips from James Bellerjeau, ACC Docket Career Path columnist, in this Master Skills to be Effective In-house Counsel series. #ACCDocket #MindfulMonday #MondayMotivation

Other Topics for the Sincere Student

The Downside to Academic Life in the United States
I can either go along and not make waves, or I can be an interesting and honest teacher who challenges students to think and learn. I’m not at all sure I can do both.
008 - On The Teacher’s Duty - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Just because I am alone does not mean I am wasting my hours away.
029 - On Easy Lessons - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Everywhere we turn, we are confronted with the incredible shrinking attention span.
052 - On Role Models - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Those who see much while believing they know little are much rarer and more valuable than those who believe they know much and consequently see little.
062 - On Good Examples - Moral Letters for Modern Times
The best way to become wealthy is to become rich in your mind. Plunder the wisdom of the ages and take into your ownership your self-possession.
076 - On Continuing Education - Moral Letters for Modern Times
I myself try to be an earnest student. Though I am far removed from my formal school days, I am never far from a book or an idea.
079 - On Studying Beneath The Surface - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Why is it so hard to understand what we want, what will make us happy, and how to take the actions that will bring us there?
082 - On Studies Of Substance - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Rather than wishing you luck and fine things I will wish that you experience hardship, or at least a certain burden.
088 - On The Best Course Of Study - Moral Letters for Modern Times
If you would not have your children tear down the foundations that hold up society, do not send them into the factories that labor explicitly for that purpose.
089 - On How To Study Philosophy - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Philosophy means the love of wisdom, and consequently is made up of the efforts you put into attaining wisdom.
108 - On A Learning Mind - Moral Letters for Modern Times
When you are told by experts what to think you may become a believer, but you will not become a thinker.
112 - On New Students - Moral Letters for Modern Times
Philosophy always welcomes new students.