Reports of Society's Collapse Are Premature (and I Can Prove It)
Greetings friends!
Over the weekend, I went on a short trip to Hendersonville, North Carolina, in the foothills of the
Smart, Well-Meaning People Don’t Decide Elections
Suddenly, the baffling process by which we elect leaders makes sense. As do voters’ awful choices and terrible outcomes
Pity the Doomed Backers of Biden’s Campaign
Don't be so sure we wouldn't fall into the same trap they have
Billionaire Battles: Life’s a Breeze When You Outsource Decisions
Why Taylor Swift's endorsement of Trump¹ was so helpful
How Being Humble Can Help You Be Wrong Less Often
A person can be smart, well-intentioned, and sincere while also being dangerously wrong
Why You Should Doubt Yourself
I still believe what I believe is true, but I will now often add to the end of a statement the words, "…but I could be wrong."
I Think, Therefore, You’re Wrong
If you disagree with something I’ve written the odds are quite good that I’m right. While I came to my approach accidentally, you can do it purposefully
Failing the Marshmallow Test, Over and Over
If we continue to spend more than we earn, eventually we will find that we need to sell assets to generate cash flow. Trouble awaits the unwary spender
Do You Have Enough To Be Happy?
The chances are good the answer is yes. So why are so many people grouchy about "the rich"?