
These posts cover topics relating to thinking: how we do it well, and what can drive us to make mistakes.
Swiss mountain scene, with peaks in the background and green hills and trees in the foreground

Do You Have Enough To Be Happy?

The chances are good the answer is yes. So why are so many people grouchy about "the rich"?
4 min read
Store sign reading Prescriptions, DRUGS, Soda and Cigars.

If We Are What We Eat, Be Worried

We seem indifferent to the impact of the ideas we consume because we assume we can control what we think
4 min read
Painting of a blue-skinned woman with a dour expression on a bright wall

Biden's Public Deterioration Does Not Put the U.S. at Immediate Risk

The worry that the President's now public infirmities create an opening for our enemies is misguided
3 min read
Picturesque Swiss town with green field in foreground and lake and mountains in the background.

To Combat Climate Change We Must Enlist the Rich

Without the one-percenters, no meaningful change will occur. Our approach to convincing them has been terribly misguided
5 min read
Swiss mountains with green fields and trees in the foreground

When the Best Course of Action is Inaction

By spending precious resources to improperly or only partially deal with problems, we can easily make things worse
3 min read
Earth seen from space

How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love Global Warming

A look at why more CO2 and increasing temperatures are wonderful
4 min read
A gravel path running through green fields under a blue sky.

A Handful of Harmful Beliefs Shackle Us to Mediocrity … or Worse

Political dysfunction is a precursor to societal collapse. Who wants that? Here are some constructive suggestions for overcoming our fractious times
6 min read
Why I Thought Abandoning My Kids Was a Good Idea

Why I Thought Abandoning My Kids Was a Good Idea

My wife and I told them where we were going (we’re not monsters), but the separation still stung
4 min read
Many brass cowbells hanging from the rafters of a barn. Don't get me started on our cows and chocolate

18,000 Reasons Why the Swiss Are Still Awesome

We spend 13 Swiss francs per inhabitant per year to ensure we won’t run out of coffee … and other essentials for life
4 min read
Sign reading "If overthinking situations burned calories, I'd be dead." Wait, human breathing releases CO2!

All the Right Data, All the Wrong Conclusions

A bit of psychology and a bit of economics help us see what climate alarmists entirely miss
5 min read