
These posts cover how we make decisions, and how to make better decisions.
Man with goatee wearing a Boston Marathon t-shirt

Finding the Value of Suffering on the Road to Boston

Meaning in life comes from overcoming challenges. Facing challenges means hardship. Is it worth it?
7 min read
Two stainless steel elevator doors on a shiny metal wall

You Can't Buy Accountability

And that's why it's so sought after in companies
4 min read
A straight city street going up a hill, with a painting of a twisting eel down the middle of the street

Effectiveness Can Drive So Much More Than Thriving at Work

A simple guide to accompany you on your way to a successful career and a happy life
8 min read
Circle artwork with graduated lines and a patch of vibrant pink color

How Being Humble Can Help You Be Wrong Less Often

A person can be smart, well-intentioned, and sincere while also being dangerously wrong
4 min read
Abstract painting of colored lines and grayscale lines arranged in a complex geometric pattern.

Failure Hidden in Plain Sight

Women are well-represented in the law, or so it seems. Digging deeper reveals some shocking gaps
4 min read
Car driving precariously on two wheels, followed by another car also on two wheels. Hey, I was just following the other guy!

Speeding Out of Control  –Time to Pull the Brake?

Or do we need to crash first to realize the error of our free-spending ways? What if there was a better way?
4 min read
A narrow staircase overlooking a precipitous drop-off over a cliff by a lake

Why You Should Doubt Yourself

I still believe what I believe is true, but I will now often add to the end of a statement the words, "…but I could be wrong."
3 min read
Picture of a painting of orange circles on a background of tiny orange circle outlines

I Think, Therefore, You’re Wrong

If you disagree with something I’ve written the odds are quite good that I’m right. While I came to my approach accidentally, you can do it purposefully
6 min read
Modernist abstract painting of buildings and machinery. When inputs don't match up to outputs, nothing makes sense

The Year Your College Degree Became Worthless

If we stop testing and grading students, what message do we send?
3 min read
Failing the Marshmallow Test, Over and Over

Failing the Marshmallow Test, Over and Over

If we continue to spend more than we earn, eventually we will find that we need to sell assets to generate cash flow. Trouble awaits the unwary spender
5 min read