Watch Out!

These posts address topics that represent a danger to our well-ordered state of mind. Here we cover things that make us mad or give rise to passions. This can lead to bad decisions and suboptimal outcomes
Abstract painting of colored lines and grayscale lines arranged in a complex geometric pattern.

Failure Hidden in Plain Sight

Women are well-represented in the law, or so it seems. Digging deeper reveals some shocking gaps
4 min read
Car driving precariously on two wheels, followed by another car also on two wheels. Hey, I was just following the other guy!

Speeding Out of Control  –Time to Pull the Brake?

Or do we need to crash first to realize the error of our free-spending ways? What if there was a better way?
4 min read
A narrow staircase overlooking a precipitous drop-off over a cliff by a lake

Why You Should Doubt Yourself

I still believe what I believe is true, but I will now often add to the end of a statement the words, "…but I could be wrong."
3 min read
Modernist abstract painting of buildings and machinery. When inputs don't match up to outputs, nothing makes sense

The Year Your College Degree Became Worthless

If we stop testing and grading students, what message do we send?
3 min read
Store sign reading Prescriptions, DRUGS, Soda and Cigars.

If We Are What We Eat, Be Worried

We seem indifferent to the impact of the ideas we consume because we assume we can control what we think
4 min read
Painting of a blue-skinned woman with a dour expression on a bright wall

Biden's Public Deterioration Does Not Put the U.S. at Immediate Risk

The worry that the President's now public infirmities create an opening for our enemies is misguided
3 min read
A gravel path running through green fields under a blue sky.

A Handful of Harmful Beliefs Shackle Us to Mediocrity … or Worse

Political dysfunction is a precursor to societal collapse. Who wants that? Here are some constructive suggestions for overcoming our fractious times
6 min read
Sign reading "If overthinking situations burned calories, I'd be dead." Wait, human breathing releases CO2!

All the Right Data, All the Wrong Conclusions

A bit of psychology and a bit of economics help us see what climate alarmists entirely miss
5 min read
Gravestone bearing the word "MANLY". Don't read anything into the fact that this is a gravestone

Does It Matter What We Consider Masculine?

Being manly means doing hard things in pursuit of valuable goals. Who says they have to be physical challenges?
4 min read
Airport lounge showing yellow support beams and an undulating ceiling

If You Scheduled Your Day Like an Airline

If you let your aim point downwards, even a little bit, don’t be surprised if you end up in places you don’t want to be
6 min read