8 min read

Career Path – The ABCs of Work Series

In each of the 26 articles in this series, the Career Path columnist describes a gem of advice for how to succeed at work
Career Path – The ABCs of Work Series

Is there a formula for success at work? Are there simple rules that you can follow to increase your chances of getting what you want? I think there are, and in the following series of articles, I share the formula with you.

The articles here first appeared in the ACC Docket, the global magazine for in-house counsel.

Greetings readers and congratulations! Simply by virtue of being here, you are already on the path to increasing your odds of success. While luck plays a gigantic role in life, that does not mean you are helpless to control your fate. If you want to think of it this way, the tips we’ll explore are ways to increase your odds that luck will find you.

The ABCs of Work: Ambition
Ambition isn’t just about getting ahead — ambition is about continuous self-improvement. Career Path author James Bellerjeau shows you how to spark your ambition to be your best self in the first article of The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Belief
If you believe you will succeed, even far-fetched ideas could come to fruition. Career Path author James Bellerjeau tells you why in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Continuous Improvement
No matter how good you are, you must never stop improving — even at what might seem to be minor tasks. Career Path author James Bellerjeau tells you how in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Diversity
A redefinition of diversity can help stoke creativity and a new perspective on your work. #Ideation #ACC #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Equanimity
Maintain a Stoic calm, and your strength will inspire others to count on you. Career Path author James Bellerjeau explains why in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #Stoic
The ABCs of Work: Fakery
Pretending isn’t dishonest when it’s where you see yourself. See why and how to be a great fake in The ABCs of Work series by Career Path’s James Bellerjeau. #ACCDocket #fakery #inhouse
The ABCs of Work: Good Job
Do a good job, and be grateful for what you have as you grow says Career Path author James Bellerjeau in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Be Happy
You can be happy simply by thinking you are, and your happiness will spread into work. Career Path author James Bellerjeau tells you how in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #Stoic #Stoicism
The ABCs of Work: Integrity
Your personal integrity is what sets you apart from all others. Learn how to deal with your values at work in this Career Path series, The ABCs of Work by James Bellerjeau.
The ABCs of Work: Joy
Find the joy in your work and you find the key to fulfillment. Career Path author James Bellerjeau provides ideas in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Kindness
Kindness is more than being a good person: It pays off. Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau explains in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket #kindness #ACCfamily
The ABCs of Work: Learn
You grow exponentially when you learn more than the basics of your job. Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau provides ideas in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Motivation
Even the most boring tasks require motivation, which will bring you closer to your ultimate goals. Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau tells you how to stay motivated in The ABCs of Work series. #ACC #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Novelty
What do you mean your work gets boring? Look at it fresh. Change what you can. Ideas c/o Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau in The ABCs of Work series.
The ABCs of Work: Obey
It’s a good idea to obey all law-abiding business decisions even when you disagree; you are an advisor, not a decision-maker. Career Path author James Bellerjeau explains in The ABCs of Work series. #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Pray
Prayer — or wishing and thinking about what you want — fused with smart work, can bring your wants to fruition. Career Path author James Bellerjeau shares why and how in The ABCs of Work series. #ACC #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Quiet
The best in-house counsel learn to jealously guard their time and parcel it out according to pre-determined priorities, according to Career Path columnist writes James Bellerjeau in his ABCs of Work series.
The ABCs of Work: Rest
Your burnout risk is real. But that’s not the best reason to avoid overwork. You take breaks because they unlock stronger performance, advises Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau. #ACCDocket #career
The ABCs of Work: Stress
What’s the relationship between stress and work performance? ABCs of Work columnist James Bellerjeau shares some practical strategies for managing stress and achieving optimal results. #ABCsofWork #ACC #ACCDocket #Stress
The ABCs of Work: Team
Knowing how to be a team player can open the door to many opportunities. Career Path author James Bellerjeau explains how to work well with teams in this Career Path series, The ABCs of Work by James Bellerjeau. #ACCDocket #Abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Utility
Unlock success with the ABCs of Work series. James Bellerjeau reveals how focusing on the utility of your actions can amplify your career. #CareerSuccess #ABCofWork #ACC #ACCDocket
The ABCs of Work: Values
Thrive with alignment! Unlock the secret of work success with Career Path columnist James Belllerjeau as he unravels the pivotal role of values. #ACC #ACCDocket #WorkValues #CompanyCulture
The ABCs of Work: Worth
Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau explains the importance of knowing and understanding your worth in this Career Path series, The ABCs of Work by James Bellerjeau. #ACCDocket #Abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Xerox
Career Path author James Bellerjeau explains how being skillful in administrative tasks can boost your career success in this Career Path series, The ABCs of Work by James Bellerjeau. #ACCDocket #Abcsofwork
The ABCs of Work: Yes
Never use the naked “no,” counsels Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau. “Yes” is perhaps the most helpful word to your in-house career. #ACCDocket #abcsofwork #careeradvice
The ABCs of Work: Zen
Find the Zen in your work life. Career Path columnist James Bellerjeau illustrates how a calm, attentive mindset can boost your satisfaction and work performance in the final installment of the ABCs of Work. #Zen #mindfulness #ACC #ACCDocket