
These posts cover how we make ourselves happy, and how to combat unhappiness.
Crowds of runners at the London Marathon

The Triumph of the 2013 London Marathon

And not just because I beat an Olympic medalist and a former European champion (although I did)
5 min read
A beautiful modernist house at night, glowing from internal lights

My Utterly Romantic Idea of Work

Understanding the beauty of a job well done … and well paid for
3 min read
Man with goatee wearing a Boston Marathon t-shirt

Finding the Value of Suffering on the Road to Boston

Meaning in life comes from overcoming challenges. Facing challenges means hardship. Is it worth it?
7 min read
A straight city street going up a hill, with a painting of a twisting eel down the middle of the street

Effectiveness Can Drive So Much More Than Thriving at Work

A simple guide to accompany you on your way to a successful career and a happy life
8 min read
Desk placard reading "I'M ONLY HERE, until I win the lottery".

What I Learned Working with Three World-Class Quitters

Choosing the timing of your departure is the mark of a strong leader
4 min read
Why I Thought Abandoning My Kids Was a Good Idea

Why I Thought Abandoning My Kids Was a Good Idea

My wife and I told them where we were going (we’re not monsters), but the separation still stung
4 min read
Gravestone bearing the word "MANLY". Don't read anything into the fact that this is a gravestone

Does It Matter What We Consider Masculine?

Being manly means doing hard things in pursuit of valuable goals. Who says they have to be physical challenges?
4 min read
A wealthy-looking man in a cashmere coat standing before an impressive entry gate. Why yes, that is my castle.

Do You Have What It Takes To Be Independently Wealthy?

Money is just the start of it, perhaps not even the hardest part
5 min read
Without Words sculpture by Judith Shea showing an empty coat, half a head, and an armless torso

Retrospective Reflections of Another Early Retiree (by Richard Norman)

So what did I do? I promptly made myself almost as busy as when I was working full-time, but this time without all the pay and benefits.
3 min read
Unclothed attractive woman in a seated position looking straight ahead

Would You Rather Be Smart, Attractive, or Have Wealthy Parents?

Imagine for a moment you can pick just one of the three. Which is most likely to bring you what you desire?
3 min read