Tips To Succeed on Medium
Many people dream of writing, and better yet, getting paid for their writing. A lot of people are trying a lot of things.
One of the more prominent experiments is the site Medium, where budding authors can quickly and easily start writing to an audience of over 70 million readers.
Everyone starts out knowing nothing about Medium. These articles answer basic questions and provide a roadmap for writers to become professionals.
How Medium works – Members and subscription
You can read a handful of articles for free on Medium each month. If you want to read everything, and there are hundreds of thousands of writers and millions of articles, a monthly subscription is currently just $5, and an annual membership is $50.
I've made the first several links in each section below free to read, even if you are not a member. I'm happy to encourage you to check Medium out.
If you join via a writer's link, your cost is exactly the same, but the writer gets a percentage of your membership fee. It's a painless way for you to support amateur writers.
Here is my link - if you like any of the stories below, please consider joining Medium with this link:
Member discussion