
Do You Want To Hear The Truth? (Newsletter 029)

Do You Want To Hear The Truth? (Newsletter 029)

Although we are blind to many of our imperfections, our colleagues' vision is perfect when identifying our flaws. Others see what we cannot.
6 min read
Keep Your Cool (Newsletter 028)

Keep Your Cool (Newsletter 028)

Long-term success as a senior manager requires you to keep your cool. You need to be adept in handling information overload and remaining calm when others have lost their cool.
5 min read
Who Can Freely Speak Their Mind? (Newsletter 027)

Who Can Freely Speak Their Mind? (Newsletter 027)

Every senior manager and CEO I know is (typically rightly) paranoid that they are getting bad information from their subordinates. One reason you see CEOs asking multiple people the same question is that they are trying to triangulate the truth through a thicket of self-interested answers.
7 min read
It's Good To Be The Boss! (Newsletter 026)

It's Good To Be The Boss! (Newsletter 026)

It is unquestionably good to be the boss, because it puts you in a position to influence your company. But if you take your job seriously, you'll soon see that little comes with the title beyond the responsibility to live up to others' expectations.
5 min read
With Experience Comes ... Patience (Newsletter 025)

With Experience Comes ... Patience (Newsletter 025)

Is there any way to become mindful without age and experience? I believe philosophy holds a potential key, and Stoicism in particular. It is mindfulness itself that grants us agency over our thoughts. We can think ourselves unwell, or well.
5 min read
How To Implement A Project With Lackluster Management Support (Newsletter 023)

How To Implement A Project With Lackluster Management Support (Newsletter 023)

Telling a hapless manager that ensuring top management support is a critical success factor for their project is more than unhelpful. It's a bit like saying, "OK, first ensure a perpetual source of cheap, clean, renewable energy...."
6 min read
Can You Succeed At Work Without Working Hard? (Newsletter 020)

Can You Succeed At Work Without Working Hard? (Newsletter 020)

You will always outcompete someone who is not willing to put in the same time as you. I refer not just to hours spent working, but in learning how not to waste time, and how productively to use the time you have focused on the right priorities.
6 min read
Don't WFH Yourself Out Of A Job (Newsletter 014)

Don't WFH Yourself Out Of A Job (Newsletter 014)

If it is true that your job can be performed perfectly well remotely, does it necessarily follow that your job can only be performed by you?
5 min read
Don't Mistake Certainty For Correctness (Newsletter 010)

Don't Mistake Certainty For Correctness (Newsletter 010)

We can be just as wrong about something when we are absolutely convinced it's true as when we're uncertain.
5 min read
A Conversation Is The Worst Way To Communicate (Newsletter 011)

A Conversation Is The Worst Way To Communicate (Newsletter 011)

If you want to increase your chances of being heard by your conversational partner, try approaching your next conversation with only one goal: listening to the other person and understanding their point.
5 min read