Finding the Value of Suffering on the Road to Boston
Meaning in life comes from overcoming challenges. Facing challenges means hardship. Is it worth it?
No, the END Does Not Justify the MEANS
A simple thought experiment reveals the perils of letting your desired outcome drive your actions
Immortality is a Foolish Wish
A few reflections on why living forever should be no one's desire
Bucket List, Eh. I'm Starting a F—It List
Letting go is so much more rewarding
What if Humanity Created God Rather Than the Opposite?
Rather than creativity being something special and rare, I now lean towards thinking it's much rarer for people to stifle their instinct to create
Stoic Wisdom
The power of an idea doesn’t depend on who it came from, but rather how it influences our behavior today.
How to Find Your Way to the Other Side (by Kathryn Eriksen)
You will discover what you knew all along
Cool Final Words (by Erek Dorman)
You can die, croak, expire, buy the farm, get your ticket punched, take the dirt nap, push up daisies, pass away, bite the big one, bite the dust, or kick the bucket.
What Are The Moral Letters for Modern Times?
The power of an idea doesn’t depend on who it came from, but rather how it influences our behavior today.
A Little Philosophy Goes A Long Way (Newsletter 062)
In our journey to finding happiness, thinking for ourselves is the key to unlock and then banish all the bad habits that may have crept into our lives.